About Us

Hi, My Name is Delane Andrews, and I Am The Owner and Producer of All Nume Natural Soap Products.
When you own your own business, you carry many hats. If it weren't for the support of my family, this whole thing would be impossible.
I married my sweetheart, Jimmy, right out of high school. We have been blessed with 34 years of marriage. I am also a proud mother of two – my son Ashley, my daughter Madison, and now a daughter-in-law, Tracy.
I could not be more proud of my family! Let's just say, it takes an army to hold down the fort at Nume – and my family is my army. They jump in and do whatever needs to be done – from taking out the trash to working endless hours setting up and running a show.
I love to create and design new products. Once I step into my studio it's like I'm in a completely different world. It's a blank canvas, and I am the artist.
People ask me all the time what it's like making soap. I tell them there is an art and science to creating soap. Just like making a cake, you add the best ingredients in, add the love, and with patience and time you have the perfect bar of soap.
It's very therapeutic to me. My creativity is truly just limited to my imagination, and believe me when I say I can imagine a lot – just ask my husband.
People go through a lot of different things in this world. Sometimes they just need that comfort food to get them by. So, at the end of the day, if I can provide that little bit of extra happiness into someone's life, that smile, that comfort food – then it was all worth it.
Thank you all for your love and support. Without God and all of you, this small soap shop just couldn't be possible. I give God all the glory!!
God Bless!
- Delane